January 24, 2025

Starting a Challenger Baseball program in your school is easy. You don’t need to have experience coaching sports, or leading phys-ed or be a special education teacher. Anyone who works in a school and is motivated to create new opportunities for students with disabilities to engage in fun, dynamic and team-building sport can sign up. Prior to signing up, be sure to review the Requirements for schools/organizations section. Once you sign up, your school is eligible to attend our next available training program. Our training is dynamic and fun, and equips educators and support staff with the experience, knowledge, skills and resources to launch a Challenger Baseball program that is fun, inclusive and adaptive for each athlete. Please email the Program Specialist, Inclusive Programs Please email Meghan Saundercook for more information about how to bring Challenger Baseball in the Schools to your School/Organization’s community!

When asked if educators would recommend the Challenger Baseball training to other educators, 100% said yes. Here are a few of their testimonials:

  • “Absolutely. Most useful PD I have been to in years. All teachers should have a chance to attend.”
  • “Yes. Most educators do not know how to adapt programs. Everyone should know these skills.”
  • “Absolutely. Many educators need this training for their own confidence.”
  • “Yes! I plan on telling my principal about a possible PD session. Everyone should have this PD!”
  • “Absolutely! The facilitators were excellent with a variety of strengths. Lots of enthusiasm and expertise was shared and it was all very inspiring.”
  • “I would highly recommend this training. It was engaging and practical. Easy to go back to school and implement right away.”
  • “Yes! 100% This was AMAZING!”
  • “Absolutely! The information presented needs to be shared with every teacher to reach every student.”