March 1, 2025
  • I’ve registered my athlete for a local Challenger Baseball program… now what?
    • Congratulations on taking this exciting step! It is now time to prepare for your first practice! At Challenger Baseball, we recognize each athlete benefits from different front loading techniques ahead of their first practice. In addition to visiting the baseball diamond ahead of time, below you will find Get to Know Me Athlete Profile Sheet and a Social Story Worksheet that may be helpful for your family:
  • How can I help make my athlete’s first meeting with their buddy successful?
    • Challenger Baseball buddies are committed volunteers who provide one-to-one support to ensure that your athlete feels safe and is having fun while playing baseball. It is important that you introduce your athlete to their buddy and give them time to get-to-know each other, to build and establish a connection. This meeting is also a good time for you to share any strategies, accommodation needs, likes, and dislikes that will help your buddy feel prepared and confident when supporting your athlete.
  • What is my role as a parent and/or guardian at Challenger Baseball?
    • Each athlete is expected to have at least one family member or supporter at each practice or game. They are required to stay for the duration of the practice/game. At Challenger Baseball, parents and/or guardians also have the opportunity to not only be the athlete’s biggest fan, but to network, socialize and take time for themselves to celebrate their athlete from the sidelines. If you are interested in getting more involved in your athlete’s team please see the What are some ways I can get more involved in my athlete’s league tab below.
  • What are some ways I can encourage and celebrate my athlete if they have a tough day at Challenger Baseball?
    • If your athlete has a tough day at Challenger Baseball a great way to celebrate them as a spectator is by noticing at least one specific example of your athlete trying their best and writing it down on a celebration card. Sometimes it is hard for an athlete to notice the great things that they are doing so acknowledging specific examples can go a long way! (i.e. “Kylie I noticed you said hello to one of your teammates today! I’m so proud of you for trying your best to make new friends!” or “Jack, I noticed you put two hands on the bat today during practice instead of using one! Great job!”)
  • What are some ways I can get more involved in my athlete’s league?
    • Challenger Baseball is only possible because of the incredible dedication of a large group of volunteers. If a family member or supporter wants to get involved as a volunteer here are a few ways that volunteers can help:
  • Be a Buddy: We will offer you a quick training and you will be assigned to a player on the field to support them throughout the season.
  • Be a Parent Greeter: This role greets all players and families as they enter the field. They help to ensure players are connected to their buddies and parents.
  • Be an Assistant Coach: Help in the creation of practice plans and in the running of practices and games. Assistant Coaches receive specialized training from Jays Care Foundation to ensure they feel equipped to support the program.
  • Be an Admin Supporter: This role helps us send weekly email updates and helps us to organize a series of fun social and fundraising activities throughout the year for athletes and families.
  • Manage the Celebration Corner: This is an area at each practice where parents and fans can fill out supportive messages on our Celebration wall for players.
  • Be a Volunteer Coordinator: This role greets buddies when they arrive at the field. They help to ensure that buddies feel prepared and excited for the day ahead!
  • My athlete uses a wheelchair and/or walker – can they participate in Challenger Baseball?
    • Of course! Challenger Baseball is a program designed for children, youth and adults with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. Challenger Baseball coaches are trained to adapt and accommodate athletes of all abilities on their team. Your athlete will be paired with a Challenger Baseball buddy who will provide your athlete with one-to-one support (i.e. helping to push the wheelchair around the bases, moving alongside your athlete’s assistive device) to ensure that your athlete feels safe and is having fun while playing baseball. If you know of any strategies that will help your athlete succeed at Challenger Baseball please share these tips with your athlete’s buddy and coach before the season begins!
  • My athlete is nonverbal – can they participate in Challenger Baseball?
    • Of course! Challenger Baseball is a program designed for children, youth and adults with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. Resources such as visual communication devices (specific to Challenger Baseball) are available to help your unique athlete succeed at Challenger Baseball.  If you know of any strategies that will help your athlete feel successful at Challenger Baseball please share these tips with your athlete’s buddy and coach before the season begins!
  • My athlete is undiagnosed – can they participate in Challenger Baseball?
    • Of course! Challenger Baseball is a grassroots program that focuses on the development of the life skills that are inherent to the game of baseball such as connection, courage, and independence. If your athlete is experiencing cognitive, physical or developmental differences that mean mainstream baseball or softball programming are not meeting their unique needs, Challenger Baseball may be a good fit for them. Challenger Baseball is a safe place for your athlete to practice baseball in a fun and inclusive environment without the stress of rules or heavily-organized games and practices. If you know of any strategies that will help your athlete succeed at Challenger Baseball please share these tips with your athlete’s buddy and coach before the season begins!
  • My athlete has complex behavioural needs – can they participate in Challenger Baseball?
    • Of course! Challenger Baseball is a program designed for children, youth and adults with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. Your athlete will be paired with a Challenger Baseball buddy who will provide your athlete with one-to-one care to ensure that they are safe and having fun while playing baseball. If you know of any strategies that will help your athlete succeed at Challenger Baseball please share these tips with your athlete’s buddy and coach before the season begins!